Cookies policy

Last update: May 25 , 2018

  1. Introduction

This Cookie Policy applies to all users of the website The following information is intended to inform users of this website about the placement, use and administration of cookies by SC lightFX SRL in the context of users browsing this website.   

  1. What are cookies?

We use the term “cookies” to refer to cookies and similar technologies through which information can be collected automatically.
An “Internet Cookie” (also known as a “browser cookie” or “HTTP cookie” or “cookie”) is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, that will be stored on your computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user through which the Internet is accessed.
Cookies are installed at the request of a web server to a browser (eg Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome). Once installed, cookies have a determined lifespan, remaining “passive”, in the sense that they do not contain software, viruses or spyware and will not access the information on the hard driver of the user on whose equipment they were installed.
A cookie consists of two parts: the
name of the cookie; and the
content or value of the cookie.
From a technical point of view, only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the web page associated with that web server.

  1. For what purposes are cookies used through this website:

Cookies are used to provide users of this website with a better browsing experience and services tailored to the needs and interests of each individual, namely to:

  • improving the use of this website, including by identifying any errors that occur during its visit / use by users;
  • providing anonymous statistics on how this website is used to SC lightFX SRL, as the owner of this website; 
  • anticipation of any goods that will be made available to users in the future through this website, depending on the services / products accessed.

Based on the feedback sent through cookies about how this website is used, SC lightFX SRL may take steps to make this website more efficient and accessible to users. Thus, the use of cookies allows the storage of certain settings / preferences set by the users of this website. 

  • the language in which a web page is viewed;
  • the currency in which certain prices or tariffs are expressed;
  • facilitating access to users’ accounts;
  • posting comments on the site.
  1. What is the lifetime of cookies?

The lifetime of cookies can vary significantly, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. There are the following categories of cookies that also determine their lifespan:

  • Session cookies – A “session cookie” is a cookie that is automatically deleted when the user closes their browser. 
  • Persistent or fixed cookies – A “persistent” or “fixed” cookie is a cookie that remains stored in the user’s terminal until it reaches a certain expiration date (which may be in a few minutes, days or several years in the future) or until when deleted by the user at any time via browser settings. 
  1. What are cookies placed by third parties? 

Certain sections of content on the website may be provided through third parties, ie not by SC lightFX SRL, in which case these cookies are called third party cookies. “). Third party cookie providers must also comply with the data protection rules and Privacy Policy available on this website. These cookies may come from the following third parties : Google Analytics, Facebook.

  1. What cookies are used through this website:

By using / visiting the website, the following cookies can be placed: 

a.Website performance cookies;
b. User analysis cookies;
c. Geotargetting cookies;
d. Registration cookies;
e. Cookies for advertising;
f. Cookies of advertising providers;

a. Performance cookies

This type of cookie stores the user’s preferences for this website, so resetting the preferences when you visit the website is no longer necessary.

b. User analysis cookies

These cookies inform us if a certain user of the website has visited / used this website before. These cookies are used for statistical purposes only.

c. Geotargetting cookies

These cookies are used by a software that determines the country of origin of the user of the website. The same ads will be received regardless of the language selected.

d. Cookies for registration

When you register on this site, cookies are generated that store this process. The servers use these cookies to show us the account with which you are registered. Also, the use of these cookies allows us to associate any comment posted on the website with the username of the account used. If the “keep me logged in” option is not selected, these cookies will be automatically deleted at the end of the browsing session.

e. Cookies for advertising

These cookies allow us to find out when a user views an online advertisement, its type and the time elapsed from the moment of viewing the respective advertising message. As such, such cookies are used to target online advertising. These cookies are anonymous, storing information about the content viewed, not about users.

  1. What type of information is stored and accessed through cookies?

Cookies store information in a small text file that allows browser recognition. This website recognizes the browser until cookies expire or are deleted.

  1. Customize your browser settings for cookies

If the use of cookies is not disturbed and the computer or technical equipment used for navigation on this website is used only by you, can be set long-term expiration sto the browsing history.
If the computer or technical equipment used to browse this website is used by more than one person, the setting for deleting individual browsing data each time the browser is closed may be considered.

  1. How can cookies be stopped? 

Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make this website difficult to visit, leading to limitations in its use.
Users can configure their browser to reject cookies or to accept cookies from a specific website.
All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings can be accessed, as a rule, in the “options” section or in the “preferences” menu of your browser.
However, refusing or disabling cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive online advertising – but only that it will not be adapted to your preferences and interests, highlighted by your browsing behavior.

To understand these settings, the following links may be helpful:

For any additional questions about how cookies are used through this website, please contact: [email protected]